Imagine a Life Where You Thrive

Life is constantly wearing us down

Regardless of what it looks like on social media, the realities of our lives are much different. We’re all so connected, but also completely isolated. We try to keep up with the trends and status, while buckling under the weight of financial insecurity. With a looming recession, the planet on fire, and us spending more time with our phones than people, it’s no wonder we’re more miserable than we’ve ever been.

Trying to excel in this climate can feel like a futile mission. You can do everything right and still not get the job, relationship, or dream you’re chasing.

It can feel like everyone else has it all figured out, while you’re just trying to get by.
The weight of the daily expectations chips away at our self-esteem and confidence. It feels like we’re constantly fighting the negative loop of thoughts in our heads.

It’s no wonder we all want to escape. Whether through substances, doom scrolling, or binge watching “Friends”, we all pick our poison hoping to gain just a little relief.

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Imagine a Life Where You Thrive

Epic Recovery and Becoming Your Own BFF (BYOBFF) Life Coaching with Randy Haveson helps you rebuild your self-esteem, embrace your heroic path, and find your true purpose. With over 40 years of recovery wisdom and life coaching experience, Randy guides you on a transformative journey.

Why Choose Randy Haveson?

  • Holistic Approach: Nurture your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • Experienced Guidance: Randy’s personal and professional journey spans over four decades of sobriety, recovery mastery, and life coaching expertise.
  • Transformational Coaching: Gain powerful tools to confront inner challenges, embrace vulnerability, and unleash your heroic spirit.

More About Randy

What You’ll Gain

  • Daily Joy and Fulfillment: Wake up proud of the person you see in the mirror
  • Clarity and Passion: Feel full control over your life, brimming with excitement and purpose.
  • Unshakeable Self-Esteem: Reframe obstacles as opportunities and build lasting confidence.

Take the First Step on Your Heroic Path to Becoming Your Own BFF

Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck or limited. Invest in your personal empowerment and path to a life filled with confidence, joy, and fulfillment.

Your heroic tale awaits!

Living the life of your dreams, cultivating  joy, and liking yourself in the process, is not only possible- it’s probable.

Randy Haveson
Randy Haveson
Randy Haveson

Author, Speaker, Life Coach

Hi there! I’m Randy Haveson, and boy, do I have a story for you.

Before I became the Randy you see today – you know, the award-winning speaker, best-selling author, university administrator, TEDx speaker, counselor, life coach, founder of the Club 528 community – I was just like many of you. I felt stuck, hopeless, and completely lost. I turned to drugs and alcohol to escape the voice in my head that kept telling me I wasn’t good enough. It got so bad that I almost ended it all because the pain just felt too much to bear.

But in that life-changing moment, I didn’t give up. I knew deep down there had to be another way, and I made it my mission to find it.

I spent years – decades, actually – not just getting sober, but really diving into recovery. I did everything I could to rebuild my self-esteem and figure out who I really was. And you know what? I cracked the code. I found a way to build confidence and self-esteem that actually works. And, it’s not only for people in recovery, but for anyone who wants to feel better about who they are and where they fit in the world.

I’ve made it my life’s work to share what I’ve learned. I’ve helped thousands of people build confidence, overcome addiction, break free from feeling powerless, and ditch those unhealthy behaviors that keep them stuck.

And now, I want to help you too.

Here’s the thing – feeling good about yourself, your life, and what you’re capable of is not just a pipe dream. It’s totally achievable, and there’s actually a method to it. Once you learn the right approach, you’ll feel that weight you’ve been carrying start to lift. You’ll see how you can build confidence, find joy, and feel proud of the person looking back at you in the mirror, joy every single day!

With my Master’s in Counseling and certification as a Life Coach, I bring a whole toolbox of knowledge and experience to help you on your journey. So, what do you say? Are you ready to become your own BFF and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of? Let’s do this together!


Johns Hopkins


FOX News


Becoming Your Own BFF: Building Self-Esteem for a Life of Joy

There’s a huge difference between ego and self-esteem. This book gives the reader tools to build self-esteem while letting go of the destructive nature of ego. By treating yourself like your own BFF rather than your worst bully, you can gain more confidence and find more joy. You will also learn how to overcome obstacles in your life easier and stop putting so much effort into what other people think of you.

“Written simplistically for all to comprehend and enjoy. If we all read and practiced Randy’s words..there’d be waaayy more love and positive energy in our world.“

Amy E.

Buy on Amazon

Let’s work together

Join the Club 528 Community

  • Exclusive content

    Extra podcast and youtube content, video presentations of programs, deleted book sections, personal stories from Randy.

  • Once a month call with Randy

    Randy is going to do a video chat with members once a month. Have a question you want answered? Want to connect with like minded people/ Well, here’s your chance.

  • Group and individual coaching discounts

    Randy is offering huge discounts for members who want individual or group coaching. Groups will be no larger than 6 people.

  • Special opportunities

    Retreats and “Disney Days” with Randy, facilitation support for Club 528 meetings.

More Info

Love Yourself

Ready for a Life Coach?

  • If you are feeling stuck or lacking confidence
  • If you are craving more joy and a new outlook on life
  • If you are successful, but not happy
  • If you are eager to look in the mirror and be happy with who looks back at you

Then you’re in the right place!


Hello! I’m Randy Haveson, and I’m here to assist you on your journey to becoming your best self. With a Master’s in Counseling and certification as a Life Coach, I’ve worked in all sorts of places – from hospitals and treatment centers to university counseling centers and a private practice. While I’ve worn both the counselor and coach hats, I’ve got to say, coaching is where my heart truly lies.

So, what can I offer you? Whether you’re looking for Recovery coaching or Life coaching, I’m here to guide you towards your goals and help you live your best life.
My approach? It’s all about using the tools I’ve developed and shared in my book, “Becoming your own BFF”. I’ll be straight with you – my style is direct but empathetic. I’m all about getting to the root of these issues and patterns that hold you back.

My philosophy? It’s simple: “Anything is possible if we just get out of our own way.” Let’s work together to clear that path and unlock your epic future!

Coaching with Randy has gotten me through some challenging life changes and challenges.  Wow!…  Looking back, what a difference coaching with Randy has made in my life!

Tracey F.

Hire Randy to Speak

Randy is a speaker who helps audience members find their paths in life and learn the self-esteem building skills necessary to be positive, productive, and fulfilled members of society. He has provided memorable keynotes and paradigm-shifting presentations at colleges and businesses including Notre Dame, Brown, Johns Hopkins, Philips Arena and a well-known insurance company in Atlanta, among many others.

“I wanted to thank you for speaking to my staff. I can honestly say that everyone there enjoyed listening to you. In fact, they all felt that it was the best meeting we’ve had all year!”

Kathy Wente
Retail Manager, Philips Arena

Randy’s Programs

Randy at Tedx